【嚴正聲明 - Moovup好工速遞呼籲市民慎防偽冒短訊】

【嚴正聲明 - Moovup好工速遞呼籲市民慎防偽冒短訊】
Moovup好工速遞 (下稱「Moovup」) 於近日發現有人在 WhatsApp 上創建群組,並以虛假身份向市民發出邀請,聲稱可以透過加入超市或商業機構的活動賺錢,並聲稱電話號碼是透過 Moovup 或其它網站渠道獲得。
Moovup 請用戶及市民留意該等訊息為偽冒訊息。 Moovup與該等訊息並無任何關係,Moovup 並不會在未獲求職者授權下向任何人士提供求職者的手機號碼,亦不會主動以陌生 WhatsApp 短訊向用戶及市民推介工作機會。對於此類偽冒短訊的欺詐行為,Moovup 定必嚴肅處理,並將採取必要措施以保護用戶及市民的權益。
- 請小心保護個人資料,切勿向任何人透露個人銀行資料及密碼,或者支付任何金錢、進行轉帳或匯款。
- 切勿下載或安裝不明來歷的應用程式,及將任何資料輸入到不明來歷的應用程式或網址。
- 如懷疑受騙,請向警方報案處理。
- 本公司網站 moovup.com
- 「Moovup」官方手機應用程式
- Moovup Facebook https://www.facebook.com/official.moovup 及 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/moovup.hk/
Important notice from Moovup - beware of scam WhatsApp messages
Moovup has recently been informed of new fraud cases, in which the fraudsters would create WhatsApp groups and invite individuals to join. They claimed that money could be made by joining promotion activities involving some supermarket or commercial organisations and they claimed that the mobile phone numbers are obtained through Moovup or other channels.
We urge users and the public to note that such WhatsApp messages are fraudulent.Moovup has no connection with such messages and Moovup will not disclose the mobile phone numbers of jobseekers to anyone without the authorisation of jobseekers. Moovup also does not “cold call” a user or the public to introduce jobs to them via WhatsApp messages. Moovup takes such scams and frauds seriously and will implement necessary measures to protect users and the public.
Users and the public should be on the alert when they receive messages from strangers:
- Protect your personal details. Do not disclose any bank details or passwords, make any payments or make any transfers or remittances.
- Do not download or install any unknown apps. Do not input any data into unknown apps or websites.
- If you suspect you have been defrauded, please report to the police.
Users and the public should go through our official channel when looking for a job.
- Our company website moovup.com
- Official Moovup apps
- Moovup Facebook https://www.facebook.com/official.moovup and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/moovup.hk/